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New Partners and More Funding!

Building partnerships is the key to Nutrifund’s success because our impact can be most felt when we have a shared mission with the communities we partner with. This is why we are excited to be partnering in a new program with Oxfam and the government of Spain. In this new partnership, NutriFund, along with its partner at San Yves, will provide local knowledge and data on malnutrition in the area and will receive $20,000 of in-kind support over a two-year period for childcare at the nutrition center.

A spike in childhood malnutrition is expected across Honduras following poor growing seasons due to both flooding and droughts. With thousands of families at increased risk of food insecurity, children are the most vulnerable. Our partnership in this program will ensure desperately needed humanitarian aid reaches where it is needed most.

Through this program, we hope to proactively identify children at-risk of malnutrition and provide them with nutritional supplements they need to remain healthy. And for children who have become malnourished, our program partners will refer them to us to determine the best intervention to ensure their recovery.


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